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截屏2023-05-17 上午12.31.25.png






I'm Kaiwen Zhenggu, but you can call me Zoe!


I am a seasoned Motion Graphic Designer, Marketing Artist, and Video Content Creator, based in Vancouver.

My ever-evolving skillset includes 3D design, AI, and staying updated with the latest design trends. With a background in film production and experience as a Cinematographer, I've honed my visual storytelling skills. Motion graphics, for me, are a fascinating blend of speed, simplicity, and captivation - each project is an opportunity to bring innovative ideas to life.

Continual growth is at the heart of my journey. As I learn and evolve, I strive to infuse more depth and innovation into my motion graphics work, creating visually compelling narratives.

Welcome to my portfolio! ^^

Kaiwen Zhenggu

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